Why didn’t Messies foodball team meet with the president of Argentina?

Meeting the head of state in the wake of getting back subsequent to winning the World Cup is standard. However, in the wake of winning the World Cup in Qatar, Lionel Messi-Di Maria didn’t meet Argentina’s Leader Alberto Fernandez. The Argentine Football Affiliation was welcomed by the president’s office, yet Messi declined the greeting. Argentina’s leader, be that as it may, is exceptionally content with the country’s Reality Cup triumph. extremely pleased He is likewise glad to have come out on top for three global championships during his time in Argentina including Copa America, World Cup. Fernandez calls himself ‘Leader of Three Cups’ with incredible pride. Nonetheless, following 36 years, there are many reports about why the Argentine group won the World Cup and didn’t go to the official structure. Subsequent to winning the 1978 and 1986 World Cups, the Argentine group went to the Official Royal residence. They were given gathering there. The nation’s top English paper “Buenos Aires Times” revealed that the Argentine footballers chose to praise the World Cup title with normal individuals as opposed to going to the official royal residence because of the apprehension about being utilized strategically. Indeed, even subsequent to winning the World Cup, Argentine footballers didn’t come to the official royal residence, however President Fernandez doesn’t have anything to do with it. In a meeting with a radio broadcast, he said the gathering at the official royal residence was surrendered to the group, with a greeting from the president’s office to Claudio Tapia, top of the Argentine Football Relationship, to come to the Casa Rosada. Regardless of whether to come was totally surrendered to them. they didn’t come No issue with that. It is altogether dependent upon them. I didn’t care about it.

Argentina foodball team

Nothing remains to be hypothesized about this, said the Argentine President, ‘I’m a football-fan. There is a ton of discuss why they didn’t come to Casa Rusada. Be that as it may, the Argentine football crew needed to celebrate another way. I realize it was altogether up to the Argentine Football Relationship to meet me or not. However, their choice was unique. President Bhavan had made every one of the plans. The World Cup was held before the group remaining on the well known gallery of the structure.

Be that as it may, every one of the courses of action must be dropped eventually as the group would have rather not gone there. The day after the group got back from Qatar, around 5 million individuals assembled in the city of Buenos Aires to praise the World Cup triumph. That is one more justification behind dropping the President Bhavan occasion.

His office additionally said that the president in no way wanted to give political variety to the brilliance of winning the World Cup. In a proclamation, they said the president maintained that main footballers and the Argentine Football Affiliation should accompany him on the overhang of the Casa Rosada. He requested not to welcome political pioneers or even government authorities there. The President likewise said exactly the same thing in the meeting, ‘I’m totally a football fan. I never believe anybody should blend governmental issues in with football. I like to keep football in the spot of football, legislative issues in the spot of legislative issues.
The day in the wake of getting back, the Argentine group’s triumph march in the city of Buenos Aires must be dropped at one phase because of disciplinary reasons. There are reports of individuals who came to celebrate being harmed and, surprisingly, killed. Fernandez organization is exceptionally basic about the matter. In any case, the President himself communicated help that the whole festival finished well. Simultaneously, he said that he would have rather not expressed anything to the Priest of Inside Sergio Berni about the absence of discipline, all was practically great. Nothing major occurred. The group commended the World Cup triumph in their own particular manner. Albeit the triumph march must be halted due to congestion, I would rather not express anything to the Home Pastor about that.

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